Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day Three after Tysabri.

Well, when I got to the infusion area at the docs office, they had to read my TB test. Negative. They got me all set up for the IV. The nurse had to give me some Benedryl for the itching that the Tysabri causes. It wasn't all bad after that.

The infusion went smoother than I could expect. It would have helped if I would have drank more water a couple of days beforehand.  Being well hydrated helps your veins pop and you'll end up will less sticks.  It took my particular nurse (that particular day) two times to get the vein. That is really good considering I have been stuck up to EIGHT times for the nurses to get an IV of solu-medrol in my arm. I'd rather have two instead of eight sticks.

I feel pretty good. Right afterwards, I felt sleepy, fatigued, etc. due to the Benedryl and my MS trying to stop it. For one or two days after the Ty, I had a headache, but not a debilitating or disabling one. I gladly welcome those.

Today, I actually have enough energy to do some of my physical therapy exercises and I did some of those. I am typing this during a break.  I did 30 squats with my beloved partners in crime, the kitchen sink and my wheelchair in tow. I park my wheelchair about two feet from the sink.  I have to make sure I don't knock my knees into the cabinets. I also did the standing hip abductor exercises. (Three sets of ten for each side.)  The kitchen counter is an awesome side-stepping buddy. I did that three times, as well.  My hip abductors are weaker than some of the other leg muscles that I have. I think the Ty will probably fix all of that along with me exercising.  After side-stepping along the counter, my legs started to go all wonky and tingly.

My rating for Day Three (on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being complete and total awesomeness, and 0 being a frustrated go-crawl-in-a-hole-MS-and-die!) is a 2.  Much better than an 0, which is where I started at before the Ty. So, here's to a TWO!! *takes a shot of water* WOOHOO!

And here's to kicking the MS in the junk!! A video I made of me and MonSter fighting in a wrestling ring. It wouldn't let me be a girl wrestler...sigh...but I'm the one in light blue. LOL!

Monday, December 6, 2010

My first infusion of Tysabri!! Today?? Maybe.

I am very excited to be starting this new medicine for MS. It is not a new one been around for a few years. There are risks, but I think the benefits outweigh those risks. My MS is going DOWN!! It has had me trapped inside my home and in a wheelchair for WAY too long.

I will blog more about my infusion and all today afterwards if I can. I will keep y'all updated on how the Tysabri is treating me and what can possibly happen i.e., reactions and whatnot, when you start it. I say "possibly happen" because every MS patient is different and will react differently to different medications.

There are many people who are on Tysabri and are video journaling their progress. I have found a few on YouTube just by searching for Tysabri. One that I am subscribed to has had 40+ infusions. No, PML. But as we all know, PML is unpredictable and there's no telling who can develop/get it.

Praying for no adverse reactions, Thanking and praising the Lord and God for making this possible....

Here's a vid of how I hope it all will go down...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Consultation for Tysabri

The consultation was yesterday.  It went really well.  There were more tests that needed to be done.  Liver testing mainly through the blood draw and the vampire tubes.  I only had two of those vampire tubes attack me. (LOL!) The doc is a oncologist and is a member of the TOUCH prescribing program.  It's really cool that his office is directly across from the waiting room from my neurologist. They will certainly be talking with each other.

The doc did a very thorough medical history on me. I mean all the way back up the family tree to the great grandparents from myself and my siblings. (I think I hit a few branches on the way down from the top, hee hee.) After that, he examined me by poking and prodding like normal docs do, but he was also checking for other issues that I may not know about...i.e. like lumps and whatnot in lymph nodes, stomach, etc.

He also checked to see if my insurance approved the therapy.  I guess they did, but he was concerned about some of the recent tests I had taken.  They were done last July. After the vampire tubes yesterday, I still had to get a TB test.  Thing is with those is that it has to be read in 72 hours. If it is positive for TB, I can't take the Tysabri and that will suck.

I am lucky to be holding on pretty good for the past month or so with no MS meds/therapies at all.  Feet are still numb and legs are tingling bad. Only a few more days. I can hold on that long, if the Lord is willing.